ScintiClear SrI2(Eu) Strontium Iodide MacroPixel MCA Scintillation Radiation Detector with USB readout

New ultra-lightweight and compact Scintillation Gamma Radiation Probe SC-MacroPixel-MCA


Ultra-lightweight and compact SC-MacroPixel-MCA Scintillation Gamma Radiation Detection Probe with 14x14x25.4 mm (5cc) high-performance ScintiClear SrI2(Eu) crystal coupled to SiPM array and read by tiny USB MCA. High energy resolution ScintiClear sensor with on the chip temperature stabilization and pulse pile-up rejection, as well as rugged watertight IP67 housing, makes SC-MacroPixel-MCA perfectly suited for field […]

Large size gamma neutron sensitive ElpasoLight CLYC crystals


Using our proprietary crystal growth techniques we can manufacture large size crystals – d3″x6″ (d3″x12″ in progress) with excellent performance at a reasonable price. High gamma and neutron sensitivity in combination with great energy resolution and state-of-the-art encapsulation make our ElpasoLight CLYC crystals a unique choice for industry-leading devices and facilities. Other sizes and form-factors […]

BDKG-05S ScintiClear SrI2(Eu) IP67 gamma radiation probe

New Scintillation Gamma Radiation Probe BDKG-05S with high energy resolution ScintiClear detector core


BDKG-05S Scintillation Gamma Radiation Probe includes SC-38.1×38.1 (ScintiClear Ø1.5”x1.5”) detector assembly with LED temperature stabilization, digital MCA, and RS232/RS485/USB communication interface. BDKG-05S offers about 3% energy resolution at 662 keV and can be used as part of stationary and mobile equipment and robotic devices. High energy resolution in the entire energy range from 20 keV […]